presented by EXTINCTIONS Inc.
To Order Toll Free Call 1-877-EXTINCT   Friday July 26, 2024 at 8:55:39 PM (EST) ARCHIVES
    Title Name
  4101. EXTINCTIONS CHOICE - Rare Remopleurides .... Remopleurides nanus      
  4102. EXTINCTIONS CHOICE - Rare Olenoides sup .... Olenoides superbus      
  4103. EXTINCTIONS CHOICE - Rare Isoteloides     Isoteloides flexus      
  4104. EXTINCTIONS CHOICE - Beautiful Bolaspid .... Bolaspidella sp.      
  4105. Beautiful Large Leonaspis From DeRosear .... Leonaspis sp.      
  4106. EXTINCTIONS CHOICE - Wonderful Metacant .... Metacanthina barrandei      
  4107. EXTINCTIONS CHOICE - Prone Treveropyge     Treveropyge prorotundifrons      
  4108. EXTINCTIONS CHOICE - Excellent Aristoha .... Aristoharpes sp.      
  4109. EXTINCTIONS CHOICE - Awesome Neometacan .... Neometacanthina sp.      
  4110. EXTINCTIONS CHOICE - Drotops with Prist .... Drotops megalomanicus      

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