presented by EXTINCTIONS Inc.
To Order Toll Free Call 1-877-EXTINCT   Friday July 26, 2024 at 5:51:17 PM (EST) ONLINE CATALOG
    Title Name Price
1. EXTINCTIONS CHOICE - Huge-Eyed Erbenoch .... Erbenochile sp.     $1,495.00   
  2. Huge Example of Marjumia callas - Rare!     Marjumia callas     $99.00   
  3. EXTINCTIONS CHOICE - Three Different Tr .... Cedaria, Modocia, Menomonia     $395.00   
  4. Large Illaenula vietnamica Trilobite fr .... Illaenula vietnamica     $49.00   
  5. Large Elrathia kingi with Very Distinct .... Elrathia kingi     $89.00   
  6. EXTINCTIONS CHOICE - Cool Split Pair As .... Unidentified Asaphid Trilobite     $299.00   
  7. EXTINCTIONS CHOICE - Multiple Placopari .... Placoparia tournemini     $199.00   
  8. Beautiful Red Illaenula vietnamica from .... Illaenula vietnamica     $39.00   
  9. Very Nice, Large Plate of Elrathia king .... Elrathia kingi     $49.00   
  10. EXTINCTIONS CHOICE - Large, Inflated Ph .... Phacops sp.     $375.00   

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