Acanthopyge (Lobopyge) sp.
Age: Devonian
Formation: AM Limestone
Location: Morocco
Size: Trilobite is about 1 inch long if prone.
Price: $1,295.00
This is a very ornate Lichid trilobite. It is a beautiful Acanthopyge (Lobopyge) sp. (Type B) from Morocco. This trilobite has been prepared in the EXTINCTIONS Prep Lab, as are most of our Moroccan trilobites. This type has very pustulose ornamentation on the thick shelled exoskeleton - this specimen showcases this feature beautifully. The trilobite is complete and extremely well articulated. Both free cheeks are tightly attached, and even the tiny stalked eyes are well-displayed. The slightly contraflexed bug has been meticulously prepared so that the tailspines are free-standing, and the hypostoma (mouthplate) is exposed. The trilobite is very 3-dimensional, and it is aesthetically centered on the sculpted limestone block. This is a very detailed Acanthopyge trilobite with both head and tail prepared free-standing.
A Certificate of Authenticity from EXTINCTIONS is included with this specimen.