presented by EXTINCTIONS Inc.
To Order Toll Free Call 1-877-EXTINCT   Tuesday October 22, 2024 at 3:14:36 AM (EST) ARCHIVES
    Title Name
  3971. Excellent Huntonia lingulifer with LONG .... Huntonia lingulifer      
  3972. Extremely Inflated Paciphacops From Okl .... Paciphacops campbelli      
  3973. Huntonia With Free-standing Genal Spine .... Huntonia oklahomae      
  3974. Excellent Double Phacops Specimen From .... Phacops rana rana      
  3975. Extremely Large Phacops From New York     Phacops rana rana      
  3976. Huntonia Tail with Complete Paciphacops .... Paciphacops and Huntonia      
  3977. Outstretched Flexicalymene On Large Mat .... Flexicalymene retrorsa      
  3978. Prone Flexicalymene Centered On Plate     Flexicalymene retrorsa      
  3979. Excellent Flexicalymene with Free Cheek .... Flexicalymene retrorsa      
  3980. Two Different Trilobites From The Silic .... Eldredgeops milleri & Phacops crassitub ....  

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