presented by EXTINCTIONS Inc.
To Order Toll Free Call 1-877-EXTINCT   Friday July 26, 2024 at 4:29:38 PM (EST) ARCHIVES
    Title Name
  3931. Zelliszkella torrubiae Trilobite From P .... Zelliszkella torrubiae      
  3932. Large Thysanopeltis with Tiny Tailspine .... Thysanopeltis speciosa      
  3933. Multiple Cambrian Trilobites From Moroc .... Unidentified Trilobites      
  3934. Unusual Double Trilobite Plate From Mor .... Ampyx sp. & Unidentified Trilobite      
  3935. Large Onnia With Long Genal Spines     Onnia sp.      
  3936. Outstretched Scabriscutellum From Moroc .... Scabriscutellum furciferum      
  3937. Multiple Plate Of Cambrian Trilobites     Unidentified Trilobites      
  3938. Drotops megalomanicus with Excellent Ey .... Drotops megalomanicus      
  3939. Excellent Onnia on Large Matrix Base     Onnia superba      
  3940. Wide Scabriscutellum With Pustulose Exo .... Scabriscutellum scabrum      

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