presented by EXTINCTIONS Inc.
To Order Toll Free Call 1-877-EXTINCT   Friday July 26, 2024 at 8:44:25 PM (EST) ARCHIVES
    Title Name
  3251. Fabulous Greenops From New York     Greenops barberi      
  3252. Very Displayable Outstretched Basideche .... Basidechenella rowi      
  3253. Unusual Trilobite From The Ordovician     Lonchodomas mcgeheei      
  3254. Outstretched Cordania and Enrolled Kain .... Cordania falcata and Kainops raymondi      
  3255. Rare Pennsylvanian Trilobite from Oklah .... Ditomopyge parvulus      
  3256. Cyphaspis & Brachiopod Association Plat .... Cyphaspis carrolli      
  3257. Rare Ceratonurus Trilobite From Oklahom .... Ceratonurus sp.      
  3258. Excellent Maurotarion From Oklahoma     Maurotarion axitiosum      
  3259. DeROSEAR COLLECTION - Fragiscutum gleba .... Fragiscutum glebalis      
  3260. Large Enrolled Ditomopyge From Oklahoma .... Ditomopyge parvulus      

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