presented by EXTINCTIONS Inc.
To Order Toll Free Call 1-877-EXTINCT   Friday July 26, 2024 at 4:47:12 PM (EST) ARCHIVES
    Title Name
  2571. Great Devonian Trilobite and Brachiopod .... Phacops and Paraspirifer      
  2572. EXTINCTIONS CHOICE - Beautiful Megistas .... Megistaspis accuticauda      
  2573. Complete Ectillaenus with Great Natural .... Ectillaenus giganteus      
  2574. Large Phacops from the Penn-Dixie Quarr .... Phacops rana rana      
  2575. EXTINCTIONS CHOICE - Textbook Asaphiscu .... Asaphiscus wheeleri      
  2576. Excellent Asaphus delphinus on Large Bl .... Asaphus delphinus      
  2577. FRANK CRANE COLLECTION - Triple Homotel .... Homotelus bromidensis      
  2578. Beautiful, Spiny Modocia from Utah     Modocia typicalis      
  2579. Double Acadoparadoxides briareus Plate     Acadoparadoxides briareus      
  2580. Complete Lancastria from the Cambrian     Lancastria placenta      

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