Onnia superba Age: Ordovician Formation: Ktaoua Formation Location: Bordj, Morocco Size: Largest trilobite is 0.8" long. This specimen is not for sale Click here for similar specimens that are for sale
Here is a very interesting multiple plate of trilobites. These are Onnia superba from the Ordovician of Morocco. This Trinucleid trilobite has a very inflated glabella and a cephalic brim with rows and rows of pits. The genal spines are extremely long and there is a short occipital spine emanating from the back of the cephalon. A very short, wide triangular pygidium is characteristic of this particular bug. There are many inflated specimens on this plate and they exhibit wonderful detail. The trilobites have great natural color and contrast extremely well with the light-colored matrix. This is a very fine multiple display specimen of Onnia superba.