Asaphus (Neoasaphus) kowalewskii & Illaenus tauricornis Age: Ordovician Formation: Asery Level Location: St. Petersburg, Russia Size: Asaphus is 1.9" long. Illaenus is 1.5" wide. This specimen is not for sale Click here for similar specimens that are for sale
Here is a very attractive trilobite specimen from the Middle Ordovician of Russia. The trilobite on the left is Asaphus (Neoasaphus) kowaleskii. This is the very showy species of Asaphus with the long stalked eyes. This prone specimen displays the stalked eyes beautifully. The trilobite on the right is Illaenus tauricornis. This aesthetic species of Illaenus has long, thin, curving genal spines that have been prepared in a free-standing manner. This slightly arched specimen displays large, unstalked eyes. Both of the trilobites are very 3-dimensional and exhibit fine detail. The trilobites are complete and very nicely articulated. The caramel-colored fossils contrast nicely with the off-white matrix. The trilobites are well positioned on the natural plate of limestone. This is a very displayable trilobite specimen with two different genera.