Flexicalymene granulosa Age: Ordovician Formation: Cobourg Formation Location: Ontario, Canada Size: Trilobite is 1.5 inches long. This specimen is not for sale Click here for similar specimens that are for sale
Here is a fossil that tells a story. This is a large, outstretched Flexicalymene granulosa from the Ordovician of Canada. The trilobite is inflated and very nicely articulated. It exhibits fine detail. The surface of the exoskeleton is covered with fine granulations. The entire left side of the thorax of the trilobite appears to have been bitten by a predator or damaged prior to fossilization. The pleurons are all visibly shorter. The trilobite has excellent color and contrast. It is well centered on the rectangular block of matrix. This is a very interesting specimen of Flexicalymene granulosa.