Flexicalymene granulosa Age: Ordovician Formation: Martinsburg Formation Location: Swatara Gap, Pennsylvania Size: Trilobite is 1.25 inches. This specimen is not for sale Click here for similar specimens that are for sale
This is a large Flexicalymene granulosa from the famous Swatara Gap location in Pennsylvania. This site is famous for Cryptolithus trilobites. Other trilobites from this site are very scarce. This trilobite was found by Steve Hess in 1992. This specimen is unusual in that it was found in the "sandy beds" of this site. The "sandy beds" have been interpreted as a high energy, turbulent, storm deposit. This specimen is complete and very nicely articulated. It is wonderfully prone and exhibits fine detail. The trilobite has great orange limonite color and shows good contrast with the yellowish matrix. It is well positioned on the natural matrix plate. This is an excellent specimen of Flexicalymene granulosa from the Upper Ordovician.