Eldredgeia eocryphaea Age: Devonian Formation: Belen Formation Location: La Paz, Bolivia Size: Trilobite is 1.3 inches long This specimen is not for sale Click here for similar specimens that are for sale
Here is a very cool trilobite from South America. This is Eldredgeia eocryphaea from the Devonian of Bolivia. Most of the locals are involved in the cocaine business, which is much more profitable than digging fossils. These trilobites are found in concretions with beautiful colors preserved - this specimen is just spectacular! This trilobite is nicely articulated, 3-dimensionally preserved, and exhibits very fine detail. The individual lenses of the compound eyes are very easily seen. And both halves of the concretion are present, which is somewhat unusual. This is not a poor quality example (eBay) - it is a very nice, colorful example of this classic Phacopid trilobite from South America.