Kettneraspis williamsi Age: Lower Devonian Formation: Haragan Formation Location: Coal County, Oklahoma Size: Trilobite is 1.25 inches including spine This specimen is not for sale Click here for similar specimens that are for sale
Here is an unusual twist to a classic spiny trilobite. This is a ventral Kettneraspis williamsi from Oklahoma. This specimen was found by Steve Hess in 1999 and just now prepared. This trilobite is nicely outstretched, only it is preserved upside-down! The fringes of the free cheeks are present, and the long spines are quite evident. The hypostoma (mouthplate) is even intact and easily seen! The trilobite is well showcased on the plate of marlstone. This is a very cool specimen of a ventral Kettneraspis williamsi with mouthplate from Oklahoma.