Kettneraspis and Kainops
Age: Lower Devonian
Formation: Haragan Formation
Location: Coal County, Oklahoma
Size: Plate is 3.1 inches across
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This is a very nice pair of Devonian trilobites. These are Kainops raymond and Kettneraspis williamsi from the Haragan Formation of Oklahoma. Both trilobites exhibit nice detail - both free cheeks and eyes are present and easily seen on the Kettneraspis. The long spines are also beautifully displayed - one genal spine has been prepared free-standing! The Kettneraspis has been prepared somewhat ventrally, or "hollowed out". The distinct bugs have great color and contrast and are well showcased on the sculpted plate of marlstonethat also contains a bryozoan and a horn coral! This is a very displayable pair of very different trilobites from Oklahoma.