Maurotarion axitiosum
Age: Lower Devonian
Formation: Bois d'Arc Formation
Location: Coal County, Oklahoma
Size: Trilobite is 0.4 inches long
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This is a cool example of a very uncommon trilobite from Oklahoma. It is a large Maurotarion axitiosum, found by Steve Hess in 1995 in the Bois D'Arc Formation. This particular type of trilobite is quite difficult to find because of the small size. This trilobite is complete and wonderfully articulated. Both free cheeks are intact and tightly attached. The bug is quite prone, and the detail is outstanding. The long, flaring genal spines are beautifully displayed, and the protruding eyes are easily seen. The fossil has very good color and contrast and displays beautifully on the natural plate of matrix that also contains another fossil. This is a fine example of this hard-to-find trilobite from Oklahoma.