Ceraurus pleurexanthemus
Age: Upper Ordovician
Formation: Rust Formation, Trenton Group
Location: Walcott-Rust Quarry, Trenton Falls, New York
Size: Trilobite is 1.4 inches long
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This is a very nice, large example of a classic US trilobite. It is a fabulous Ceraurus pleurexanthemus from the famous Walcott-Rust Quarry (WRQ) near Trenton Falls, New York. This is one of the original trilobites that Charles D. Walcott and James Hall made famous a century ago! This specimen is complete, with both free cheeks, both stalked eyes, and both tailspines intact. The trilobite is extremely inflated and 3-D, and has great detail preserved, showcasing the pustulated, thick shell exoskeleton beautifully. The bug is very well articulated and is beautifully showcased on the large limestone block. Anyone who knows anything about the history of US trilobites knows how collectible a trilobite of this quality from this locality is - it is an important piece of history. This is a fantastic example of a classic Ceraurus pleurexanthemus trilobite from New York State.