Cryptolithus bellulus Age: Upper Ordovician Formation: Martinsburg Formation Location: Swatara Gap, Lebanon Co., PA Size: Trilobite is almost 0.6 inches long This specimen is not for sale Click here for similar specimens that are for sale
This is an excellent Trinucleid trilobite. It is a complete Cryptolithus bellulus from the classic site at Swatara Gap, Pennsylvania. This specimen was collected by Steve Hess in 1990. This type of trilobite is known for the unusual pitted fringe that encircles the entire front of the trilobite. This specimen has this feature wonderfully displayed. The rest of the trilobite also has excellent detail - one genal spine is exposed, the other one is still buried. The bug's orange coloration is naturally striking. This is a distinct example of this beautifully-fringed trilobite from this classic closed site.