Prochasmops praecurrens Age: Middle Ordovician Formation: Asery Level Location: Near St. Petersburg, Russia Size: Trilobite is 2 inches long This specimen is not for sale Click here for similar specimens that are for sale
This is a beautiful fossil trilobite. It is a complete Prochasmopspraecurrens from the Wolchow River area of Russia. This type is known for its large compound eyes and long, sweeping genal spines - this specimen showcases these features wonderfully. The trilobite itself is large for this type - it is a full two inches long and very inflated. The thick shell exoskeleton has great color and detail - the exoskeleton is just covered with tiny pustules. The trilobite contrasts beautifully with the finely sculpted matrix. This is a top quality example of this uncommon Russian trilobite that simply displays beautifully.