Elrathia marjumi Age: Middle Cambrian Formation: Marjum Formation Location: Millard County, Utah Size: Trilobite is 1.3 inches long This specimen is not for sale Click here for similar specimens that are for sale
Here is an excellent specimen of Elrathia marjumi from the Marjum Formation of Utah. This species of Elrathia is much rarer than Elrathia kingi. This outstretched trilobite is wonderfully articulated and exhibits outstanding detail. Both free cheeks are present, and even the small pygidium is intact. The crescent-shaped eyes are easily seen, and the individual thoracic segments are clearly defined. The bug has fine color and contrast and is well showcased on the beautiful plate of shale. This is a very large example of this unusual species of Elrathia from the Middle Cambrian.