Comptonaspis swallowi Age: Mississippian Formation: Chouteau Formation Location: Saline County, Missouri Size: Trilobite is 0.8 inches long This specimen is not for sale Click here for similar specimens that are for sale
As everyone knows, complete Mississippian trilobites are quite rare. This is a large Comptonaspis swallowi from the Mississippian of Missouri. This type of trilobite has a very smooth carapace - almost totally devoid of ornamentation, quite unlike the extremely pustulose Ameropiltonia lauradanae, which is found in the same formation, but is ten times more common than Comptonaspis. This specimen is large and very distinct. The bug is extremely inflated, and even the eyes are easily seen. The dark brown color of the trilobite contrasts wonderfully with the light-colored matrix. The bug is well showcased on the large, squared limestone plate. This is rare complete example of this highly uncommon trilobite from the Mississippian.