Flexicalymene senaria Age: Ordovician Formation: Trenton Group Location: Trenton Falls, New York Size: Trilobite is 2.5 inches long! This specimen is not for sale Click here for similar specimens that are for sale
Here is the largest specimen of Flexicalymene senaria from New York we have ever seen. This complete trilobite is almost perfectly prone, very inflated and well articulated. Both free cheeks are present, which is quite unusual. The trilobite has great, natural color and contrast and is well displayed on the natural block of limestone.
This specimen was acquired from an OLD collection - so old that the original, yellowed label that came with the fossil says "Trilobita - var. Triarthrus becki - Ordovician of N.Y." The original label will be included with this specimen, even though it is clearly a Flexicalymene senaria. This is probably the largest US Flexicalymene trilobite we have ever seen.
This fossil was collected and obtained legally, and is also being sold legally.