Cyphaspis boutscharafinense Age: Devonian Formation: AM Limestone Location: Morocco Size: Trilobite is 1.4'' long to end of spine This specimen is not for sale Click here for similar specimens that are for sale
This is an excellent spiny trilobite. It is a large Cyphaspis boutscharafinense from the Devonian of Morocco. This trilobite has been meticulously prepared in the EXTINCTIONS Prep Lab here in Colorado, as are all of our Moroccan trilobites. The trilobite is extremely inflated and nicely articulated. The large, bulbous glabella is covered with pustules, and the long, sweeping genal spines are clearly defined. The stalked eyes and the long, thoracic spine have been painstakingly prepared in a free-standing manner for optimal display. The black bug contrasts well with the light-colored matrix. The fossil is beautifully showcased on the natural block of uniquely sculpted limestone. This is a wonderful specimen of a spiny Cyphaspis from Morocco.