This is a fabulous example of a rare trilobite. It is a killer Platyscutellum sp. from Morocco. This cross-section specimen was microscopically prepared, and the results are amazing. First, this type should not be confused with the more common Scabriscutellum. This type of trilobite has small nodes, or spines, emanating from each eye and the entire axial ring - this specimen showcases these spines beautifully. The large eyes display the array of tiny holochroal facets near-perfectly. Even the large, fan tail is beautifully preserved, with a row of tiny spines running along the edge of the outer border, just like Thysanopeltis - we have never seen this feature preserved on one of this type before! And this entire specmen is fully unrestored - what you see is what you get. This is the best-prepared and most complete example of this type that we have ever seen or heard of (MUCH better than the photo shows!). This one will never have to be upgraded, period.