Asaphus (Neoasaphus) kowalewskii Age: Ordovician Formation: Asery Level Location: St. Petersburg, Russia Size: Trilobite is 2.8" from eye to pygidium This specimen is not for sale Click here for similar specimens that are for sale
Here is a fine specimen of Asaphus (Neoasaphus) kowalewskii from the Ordovician of Russia. It has been postulated that this species of trilobite buried itself in the mud of the sea floor with just the eyes protruding above the layer of muck. The bug would be extremely difficult for predators to spot. This trilobite is 3-dimensionally preserved and exhibits very good detail. The extremely long stalked eyes have been prepared in a free-standing manner. The cephalon is slightly tucked downward so that the eyes extend far out in front of the trilobite. The trilobite has great color and contrast and is well centered on the plate of limestone. This is a very affordable specimen of this alien-looking trilobite.