Comptonaspis and Breviphillipsia Age: Mississippian Formation: Chouteau Location: Saline County, Missouri Size: Comptonaspis is 0.85 inches long This specimen is not for sale Click here for similar specimens that are for sale
This is a very unusual plate of Mississippian trilobites. It is a multiple slab of two different types of trilobites from the Chouteau Formation of Missouri. The large trilobite in the center is a Comptonaspis swallowi. This type is rare in the Chouteau. This specimen differs from the more common Breviphillipsia in that it has a smooth exoskeleton. On its tail, is an enrolled example of Breviphillipsia sampsoni. This bug has the more pustulose exoskeleton found on a Brevi. To the left of these bugs is a molted shell of another Comptonaspis! This specimen was found by Doug DeRosear in 1992, and is a rare example of two different types of Carboniferous trilobites.