Pterygometopus sp. Age: Ordovician Formation: Kunda Level Location: Northwest Russia Size: Trilobite is 0.85" across, 1.8" along curve This specimen is not for sale Click here for similar specimens that are for sale
Here is an excellent Russian trilobite. This is a very rare enrolled Pterygometopus sp. from the Lower Ordovician of Russia. Pterygometopus looks somewhat like the more common Chasmops, but does not possess genal spines. This trilobite has been meticulously extracted from the surrounding matrix so that it can be displayed at all angles. This bug is wonderfully articulated and tightly enrolled - the pygidium and cephalon fit together perfectly. The trilobite is very 3-dimensional and exhibits superb detail. The large, protruding compound eyes are impeccable - the individual lenses are very easily seen. The distinctive pustules on the glabella are quite evident. The thick-shelled exoskeleton of the trilobite has beautiful color. And, amazingly, there is absolutely NO REPAIR OR RESTORATION on this fantastic specimen. Quite simply, you may never see another enrolled Pterygometopus this "perfect".