Unidentified Asaphids Age: Ordovician Formation: Trilobite Beds Location: Morocco Size: Larger trilobite is 2.8 inches long Price:SOLD
This is a very unusual double specimen of an unidentified asaphid trilobite from the Ordovician of Morocco. This fossil was microscopically prepared in the EXTINCTIONS Prep Lab here in Colorado. These trilobites are excellent - extremely inflated and well articulated. But the key feature of this fossil is the many bryozoans preserved on the same rock as the bugs. These bryozoan ''nets'' are quite striking and very displayable. The trilobites are nicely displayed among the banded matting of bryozoans. This is a great association of two strange asaphid trilobites trapped among a myriad of bryozoan colonies.
This fossil was collected and obtained legally, and is also being sold legally.
A Certificate of Authenticity from EXTINCTIONS is included with this specimen.